Monday, March 31, 2008

The types of moon

The phases of the Moon are shown as eight types.
New Moon type - the Moon less than 45؛ ahead of the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you respond to those around you in an instinctive, subjective and often impulsive way, giving the impression that you are not quite in touch with reality. You will need to find your true self to make the best use of these abilities.
Crescent Moon type - the Moon from 45؛ to 90؛ ahead of the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you feel that the new should replace the old and you are compelled to take action to ensure obstacles against this are removed. By taking action you are able to believe in yourself and your abilities.
First Quarter type - the Moon 90؛ to 135؛ ahead of the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you feel you have the strength to promote new ideals to those around you and even to become forceful in order to achieve your aims. You will prefer constructive activity and see it as a way of laying foundations for the future.
Gibbous Moon type - the Moon 135؛ to 180؛ ahead of the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you feel the need to give much attention to your personal growth and development. You see this as a way for you to contribute something of value to society which is in line with your understanding of the bigger picture in life.
Full Moon type - the Moon 180؛ to 135؛ behind the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you have a clear view of reality and the ability to (subconsciously) develop your own spiritual growth. You are most likely to become aware of this and feel its positive effects when you have become able to break away from the past.
Disseminating type - the Moon 135؛ to 90؛ behind the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you have a great desire to pass on the knowledge you have gained to those around you. You may become involved in a cause that you feel very strongly about, but you should take care not to become fanatical otherwise your message to others may not get through.
Last Quarter type - the Moon 90؛ to 45؛ behind the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you have the ability to convert ideas into something that will be of use to those around you. These ideas will most probably come through some type of conflict you feel within yourself or with society as a whole. Your appearance of inflexibility will be compensated for by your strong sense of humour.
Balsamic Moon type - the Moon less than 45؛ behind the Sun.The position of the Moon in your chart shows that you are more inclined to look to the future for better times and with a feeling that they most certainly result from your actions in the present. Dwelling on the past will not be part of your nature as you look ahead in a visionary way. Fortuna - This is not a phase of the Moon but a point that is calculated from the positions of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. It shows where you find your treasure/happiness.

1 comment:

hopeoffuture said...

in these blogger i talk about moon. I choose moon beceaue it attract me.I discusse three posting the type of moon ,the moon and the light of moon.All these are very nice and buteaful.